"Andy Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> As others have aluded to, if you're trying to serve
> multiple domains (or hostnames) off one IP, you use a
> system called software virtual hosting.  HTTP/1.1 Supports
> the Host: field in the http header to resolve to the site
> domain.

There's a limitation on virtual hosts though, if you want to
do any kind of ecommerce stuff with SSL (which works via the
IP number), it won't work if you try to do it with more than
one of the vhosts.  

So you're clients are going to be stuck using an external
agency (like paypal?) if they want to take on-line

(Though, it's always seemed to me that it might be a decent
design to have *one* vhost dedicated to accepting payments
for the other vhosts... so when the user is ready to close
the deal they get kicked to "payment.super_secure.com" where
they're asked for the credit card info to finish

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