-> On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Titus Brown wrote:
-> > Do you know how I can turn on debugging symbols so that gdb can give me
-> > more info (about line number, etc.)?
-> > 
-> > I've forced 'gcc' to always have the -g flag on, but that doesn't seem
-> > to be enough for some reason...
-> The Guide is your friend:
-> http://perl.apache.org/guide/debug.html#gdb_says_there_are_no_debugging_

Ahh, thanks.

-> Please keep the mod_perl Mailing List included in your posts, so that
-> everyone feels the benefit.

Will do -- I had a nasty feeling the answer was in the FAQ, but I couldn't
find it ;(.

The core dump happens on the dPPDIR call in the beginning of the perl_handler
function in mod_perl.c (line 820 in the latest dist).  The line expands to:

#define dPPDIR \
   perl_dir_config *cld = (perl_dir_config *)get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, 

gdb claims that neither 'r' nor perl_module are NULL or otherwise evil, although
r->per_dir_config is NULL.  Any ideas?


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