-> No, I lied.  I'd try recompiling (make clean in both directories, etc.)
-> with no funny business first, it's easier than debugging...

Well, I ignored the source code investigation, and did as you suggested, after
reading that one could modify the args to apache's configure as follows:

perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1 APACI_ARGS="--without-execstrip 

So, that made the software with my favorite parameters.  Once it was all
made, I just had to change the Group away from the default of #-1 & everything
seems to have worked.

I'm still confused as to why the other method !$#@%# didn't work, but I
think my investigations will have to wait 'til I have a pressing need for
it ;).

Incidentally, I think the 'APACI_ARGS' should be added into the installation
instructions explicitly, in e.g. mod_perl-xxx/INSTALL.  Its first mention in
the perl.apache.org guide is 80% of the way down -- under the gdb symbols


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