Have a strange problem using modPerl as follows:

OS:             Windows 2000 Professional
Webserver:      Apache/1.3.22 (Win32)
mod_perl:       mod_perl/1.26_01-dev

mod_perl is loaded in the httpd.conf file (LoadModule perl_module
modules/mod_perl.so AddModule mod_perl.c), and also appears in the .htaccess
file for the TWiki directory:
<Files *>
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
   Options ExecCGI
   PerlSendHeader On

The Application i'm using is called TWiki (http://Twiki.org), and if you
view some page within Twiki, close the browser, open a new one and hit the
link that takes you to the front page of Twiki, the last page you looked at
in the just-deleted browser will be shown instead of the front page. TWiki
does not exhibit this behavior when run as a CGI program, and also I just
checked and it has the same behavior using Mozilla 0.9.6.

FWIW, I tried updating mod_perl using cpan and it claims i'm up to date.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?


Dave LeBlanc

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