> Ok, now i'm totally confused.

Have you read the documentation for Apache::PerlRun?  That might help.  Try
a perldoc Apache::PerlRun.

> 1. I have the following (and ONLY the following related to modperl) in my
> httpd.conf file (of course there are other regular apache directives too):
> LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
> AddModule mod_perl.c
> In a subdirectory there's an .htaccess file containing this reference to
> modperl:
> <Files *>
>   SetHandler perl-script
>   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>   Options ExecCGI
>   PerlSendHeader On
> </Files>

You are telling Apache what module to use for these files, but you also have
to tell it to load the module.  Put in "PerlModule Apache::PerlRun" before
your <Files> section as directed by Stas and the PerlRun documentation.

- Perrin

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