David LeBlanc wrote:

> Have a strange problem using modPerl as follows:
> OS:           Windows 2000 Professional
> Webserver:    Apache/1.3.22 (Win32)
> mod_perl:     mod_perl/1.26_01-dev
> mod_perl is loaded in the httpd.conf file (LoadModule perl_module
> modules/mod_perl.so AddModule mod_perl.c), and also appears in the .htaccess
> file for the TWiki directory:
> <Files *>
>    SetHandler perl-script
>    PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>    Options ExecCGI
>    PerlSendHeader On
> </Files>
> The Application i'm using is called TWiki (http://Twiki.org), and if you
> view some page within Twiki, close the browser, open a new one and hit the
> link that takes you to the front page of Twiki, the last page you looked at
> in the just-deleted browser will be shown instead of the front page. TWiki
> does not exhibit this behavior when run as a CGI program, and also I just
> checked and it has the same behavior using Mozilla 0.9.6.
> FWIW, I tried updating mod_perl using cpan and it claims i'm up to date.
> Any suggestions on how to fix this?

I'm not familiar with this sw, but I'll assume that it remembers the 
state (the last visited page).

Does Twiki claim to be mod_perl clean? It's probably not coded with 
persistency in mind or happens to have the closure problem under Registry.

As a temp workaround use Apache::PerlRun instead of Apache::Registry.

See the guide for more info on these issues. In particular:

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/      mod_perl Guide   http://perl.apache.org/guide
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