Hi All,
        My environment is Apache, mod-perl, Apache::DBI, oracle backend,  
        everything works fine. The problem is always MY code :)
        I'm trying to figure out the correct/efficient way to initialize
constants in a          module. What I need to do is initialize various
constants when Apache is started,               whether hard coded, read in from a
file or extracted from a database. I have managed               to thoroughly
confuse myself and have the following questions.

        What is the difference between how a BEGIN block and an anonymous block
        in a module loaded into mod_perl? At different times I understand,
        I probably don't understand the implications of that in a mod-perl
        The reason I ask is: as a begin block my initializations do not take
        yet as an anonymous block they do. Or is this based in my lack of 
        understanding of perl? 

        Are anonymous blocks in a module only read and executed when mod-perl
first loads             them, ie once?

        Another problem is when I try to build a SELECT HTML element with a
call to 
        the CGI module. In my anonymous block all of a sudden the HTML form
        are no longer available with the CGI::param call.  Yet I can build the
select                  element later in the cgi scripts using the same variables
without a problem. 
        Huh? Did I mention I'm confused and my head hurts  :}

        In a simpler line, should I have a use DBI() in startup.pl as well as
        PerlModule Apache::DBI in httpd.conf?

        I will summarize and post responses.

Code snippets

# from httpd.conf
AddModule mod_perl.c

PerlSetEnv ORACLE_HOME /opt/oracle
PerlSetEnv DSOURCE dbi:Oracle:IMG
PerlSetEnv DATACLERK  public_tst
PerlSetEnv PSSWD  opentoall

PerlModule Apache::Registry
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlWarn On
PerlTaintCheck On

PerlRequire /opt/apache/conf/startup.pl

#all of startup.pl
use CGI ();
use COMMON ();

Apache::DBI->connect_on_init($ENV{"DSOURCE"}, $ENV{"DATACLERK"},
                { PrintError => 1, #warn() on errors
                  RaiseError => 0, # don't die on error
                  AutoCommit => 1, # commit executes immediately

package WSERVICES;
require Exporter;

use strict;

use COMMON; # wrapper for basic file and db manipulation
use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_types);
use CGI qw/:html :cgi :form/;


our @ISA        = qw(Exporter);
                $GEOCODED_LIST $LOCATION example_sub);

# As a begin block none of the following initializations occur 
# all subs in COMMON.pm 
        $NUMPERPAGE = 12;
        $FILE_NAME = &Readfile('file.txt');  #see COMMON.pm

        @DB_NAMES = @{&Get_Select_List()};

#following code destroys variables passed through CGI param sub
# yet exact same call will work if called in cgi script or subroutine
        $GEOCODED_LIST = scrolling_list(-name=>'CITY_LOC',
                                -size=> 1);


sub examplesub{return 43;}


Dave Morgan
403 399 2442
"perl Makefile.PL; make install;" is just way too convenient

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