Not long ago, John Buwa proclaimed...
> I havea question on outbound ips. I am writing a program that a user can
> enter an address and a spider will go and retrieve only the information that
> was request and then display the results to the enquiring user. My question
> is though, i have grabed the users ip address as the initiator of the
> request and i would like to use that ip address (The users) to send the http
> request instead of my systems addres. How would i changed outgoing requests
> to reflect the invoking users ip and not my systems ip?

Being as how the IP address is part of the TCP/IP protocols and not HTTP,
I can't see how Apache (or mod_perl) can do anything about that. You can't
spoof IPs at the application layer if you're doing network transactions.


Doran L. Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Chief Super Hero - Iodynamics LLC
< > - Linux solutions and dynamic websites
 "Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave."
    -- 'Pepsi Comes Alive' as originally translated into Chinese

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