Rob Mueller (fastmail) wrote:

> I recently had a similar problem. A regex that worked fine in sample code
> was a dog in the web-server code. It only happened with really long strings.
> I tracked down the problem to this from the 'perlre' manpage.
>        WARNING: Once Perl sees that you need one of "$&", "$`", or "$'"
> anywhere in the program, it
>        has to provide them for every pattern match.  This may substantially
> slow your program.  Perl
>        uses the same mechanism to produce $1, $2, etc, so you also pay a
> price for each pattern that
>        contains capturing parentheses.  (To avoid this cost while retaining
> the grouping behaviour,
>        use the extended regular expression "(?: ... )" instead.)  But if you
> never use "$&", "$`" or
>        "$'", then patterns without capturing parentheses will not be
> penalized.  So avoid "$&",
>        "$'", and "$`" if you can, but if you can't (and some algorithms
> really appreciate them),
>        once you've used them once, use them at will, because you've already
> paid the price.  As of
>        5.005, "$&" is not so costly as the other two.
> Basically one of the modules in the web-app I was 'use'ing needed $', but my
> test code didn't 'use' that module. The result was pretty dramatic in this
> case, something that took approx 1 second in the test code was timing out
> after 2 minutes in the web-server.
> What I did in the end was something like this:
> In the code somewhere add this so it's run when a request hits.
> open(F, '>/tmp/modulelist');
> print F join("\n", values %INC), "\n";
> close(F);
> This creates a file which lists all the loaded modules. Then after sticking
> a request through the browser, do something like:
> grep \$\' `cat /tmp/modulelist`
> grep \$\& `cat /tmp/modulelist`
> grep \$\` `cat /tmp/modulelist`
> to try and track down the offending module. You'll get quite a few false
> hits (comments, etc), but you might find an offending module. The main ones

Also check Devel::FindAmpersand and Devel::SawAmpersand.

cpan> i /ampersand/
Distribution    A/AN/ANDK/Devel-SawAmpersand-0.20.tar.gz
Module          Apache::SawAmpersand (Contact Author The Perl/Apache 
Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Module          B::FindAmpersand (A/AN/ANDK/Devel-SawAmpersand-0.20.tar.gz)
Module          Devel::FindAmpersand 
Module          Devel::SawAmpersand 
5 items found

The Devel::SawAmpersand also explains a workaround for using &.

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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