As many of you are aware, a new mod_perl website is currently being
developed and is near to going live.  To accompany the new site, and
with mod_perl 2.0 development well under way, I have initiated a
competition to find a new mod_perl logo.

Therefore, I am asking any budding artists/designers amongst you to
submit your efforts to myself ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  I will make
all submissions available for public review on the web at: (where a few designs are even
now awaiting your perusal).  Once I have accumulated enough variety, I
will run a voting booth so that the winning design can be democratically

The reward for your efforts:  Eternal fame and fortune, glamour,
admiration, kudos, etc...  Well, at the very least, you will get the
pleasure of seeing your design every time you visit the mod_perl
website.  It also possible that you would be credited by name/alias
within the site.

So come on folks, fire up the GIMP/PhotoShop and get to work.  There are
no rules, no preconceived ideas and no restrictions.  You can use the
exisiting icons of mod_perl (the camel, Apache feather, eagle, etc), or
go for something entirely new - it's up to you.

Ideas for logos, banners, "powered by"-type buttons are all welcome.

Please don't send submissions to the mailing list(s) - send them
directly to me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

May the best man win.  :-)

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

NOTE:  The WYPUG webserver is not very stable at the moment.  If the
site is unavailable, then please try again a little later.  We're
working on a solution right now...

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