On 2/1/02 3:21 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> Would someone PLEASE volunteer to try to compile and test
> apache+mod_perl & libapreq on OS/X using the experimental
> code I posted there?  Even if you can't get it working,
> ANY feedback about what happened when you tried would be
> VERY helpful.

(The below may not be very helpful, but I've gotta run right now.  I'll try
more this weekend if I can.)

An initial build and install of:


on a previously-working apache 1.3.22 mod_perl 1.26 server on OS X 10.1.2
with this:

    use Apache::Request;
    use Apache::Cookie;

In its startup.pl file causes the following:

# bin/httpd -d /usr/local/apache -f conf/httpd.conf
dyld: bin/httpd Undefined symbols:

More later, I hope... :)


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