On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> > It all depends on what kind of application do you have. If you code is
> > CPU-bound these seemingly insignificant optimizations can have a very
> > significant influence on the overall service performance.
> Do such beasts really exist?  I mean, I guess they must, but I've never
> seen a mod_perl application that was CPU-bound.  They always seem to be
> constrained by database speed and memory.

At ValueClick we only have a few BerkeleyDBs that are in the
"request loop" for 99% of the traffic; everything else is in fairly
efficient in-memory data structures.

So there we do of course care about the tiny small optimiziations 
because there's a direct correlation between saved CPU cycles and 
request capacity.

However, it's only that way because we made a good design for the
application in the first place. :-)  (And for all the other code we
rarely care about using a few more CPU cycles if it is
easier/cleaner/more flexible/comes to mind first). Who cares if the
perl code gets ready to wait for the database a few milliseconds
faster? :-)

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, http://ask.netcetera.dk/         !try; do();
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