On Saturday 02 February 2002 23:20, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> Wow, bizarre. Not sure why but the AxKit list has seen a massive spurt in
> traffic lately too. Perhaps due to the migration to xml.apache.org (well,
> just a link at the moment), but perhaps due to the above?

Traffic is notoriously hard to predict. Maybe someone has just been asking a 
lot of questions, which in turn has brought others to ask more questions, as 
well as brought up subjects people had been wanting to investigate but had 
forgotten to post about, etc.

> However I'm always skeptical of such massive changes - perhaps more likely
> is a change in SecuritySpace's methodology?

If that were the case it would affect other modules similarly. I went through 
a number of other modules, notably PHP, and the Java ones and there is no 
comparable change. The only other sharp increase was for mod_fastcgi, but it 
was merely a jump from 2.5 to 3% or something like that, nothing really 
comparable to the leap forward made by modperl.

Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- CTO
k n o w s c a p e : // venture knowledge agency www.knowscape.com
Change is inevitable except from a vending machine.

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