On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 11:02:51AM -0700, Mark Hazen wrote:
> IO::Scalar can redirect STDOUT for the mod_perl script itself, but not any
> external processes like DBI.  I am still left without a solution.  It amazes
> me.

But using DBI isn't an 'external process', is it?  It's a part of your
process, and hence should make use of whatver you're STDERR handle is.

WHy not cop oot, and just redirect STDERR to a file, and collect
it's output when youre done?  Not graceful, but low-tech...

> Mark

Brian 'you Bastard' Reichert            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
37 Crystal Ave. #303                    Daytime number: (603) 434-6842
Derry NH 03038-1713 USA                 Intel architecture: the left-hand path

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