On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 11:02:51AM -0700, Mark Hazen wrote:
>> IO::Scalar can redirect STDOUT for the mod_perl script itself, but not
>> external processes like DBI.  I am still left without a solution.  It
>> me.

>But using DBI isn't an 'external process', is it?  It's a part of your
>process, and hence should make use of whatver you're STDERR handle is.
>WHy not cop oot, and just redirect STDERR to a file, and collect
>it's output when youre done?  Not graceful, but low-tech...

I wish this were true, but no one will ever get IO::Scalar to catch DBI's
STDERR output.  Throwing all this stuff into a file is already something DBI
can do, but as I already said, opening several hundred files per minute will
overwhelm my system.


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