wow crazy!!

just got my email and saw this thread!

did anyone post on their site?

again that node:

Wim Kerkhoff wrote:

>I'm jumping into this thread quite lately, but here are my $.03 CDN.
>Mark Fowler wrote:
>>On Tue, 5 Mar 2002, Medi Montaseri wrote:
>>>Stuart Frew wrote:
>>>>Ideally you would have linux( or what ever) on every developers
>>>>machine but sometimes you don't get the choice.
>>>Oh "the choice" is easy....just come in on a weekend and install
>>>linux on your box. Don't tell IT. That's all.
>>I think the "don't get a choice" is more to do with that you require
>>access to some application that requires MS windows to run.  This is
>>typically Exchange, Word, and most importantly iexplore for testing
>>the website you are developing.  There are solutions to this:
>> a) Terminal Server.  Get one Windows box running terminal server (the
>>    server version of w2k ships with it by default iirc) and install
>>    rdesktop[1] on your desktop Linux machines.  This means you
>>    can all remotely open up a window to a Windows desktop on your linux
>>    box.
>>    It's reasonably fast but you will be limited to 256 colours and
>>    animations will be slow.
>An alternative to this, is to use VNC or TightVNC to connect to a spare
>Windows computer somewhere. I do this quite often to connect from my
>Linux system at work to a spare Windows system at home, across the VPN.
>I'm sure there are people who set up a local spare box, that developers
>can share if they need IE to test a webpage or convert an Office
>document or whatever
>> b) VMWare (and similar) that allows you to run an emulated Windows
>>    computer on your real computer.
>>    I tried the trial version of this but I found it was taking up too
>>    much resources on my desktop.  OTOH, I never had any problem with it
>>    and it worked flawlessly, and my desktop machine is quite slow by
>>    modern standards.
>I've been using VMWare for years with great success. Anything with a
>>=400 Mhz processor and 256MB should be fine; all computers from the last 3 years 
>have these specs, and RAM is cheap. By the way, if you originally tried Vmware2, try 
>Vmware 3 as I found it a lot faster. Also make sure your system is tweaked: HD is in 
>DMA mode, recompiled kernel, etc, etc. These days, I run an average of 3 VMWare 
>sessions at any given time: 2 linux, and one Win32. I toggle between Win98 and WinXP, 
>but do run all 4 images simulaneously (plus my normal apps) on occasion. ATA100 or 
>SCSI does help though.
>> c) VMWare the other way round - run it on Windows and have emulated
>>    linux boxen.  The advantage of this is that you'll be able to quickly
>>    switch between a range of development environments, roll back changes
>>    etc. etc.  I've never personally tried this solution...
>I've done this in the past, and we have developers that use this method
>as well.
>> d) WINE on Linux.  I've not had much success with this, but if it's a
>>    particular application you might have success.
>Doesn't work all so super hot for iexplore, winword, excel, and so
>forth. It works fine for quicktime, windows media player, starcraft,
>winamp, winzip, notepad, minesweeper, and a lot of other things; see
> for an application database.
>I have some (trippy) screenshots of VNC, VMWare, VNC+VMWare, and Wine in
>action over at:

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