
Yup, I agree but I meant virtual hosts on the development box, not production.

Ideally you would have linux( or what ever) on every developers machine but sometimes you don't get the choice.


On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 13:40, Medi Montaseri wrote:
I  don't agree with virtual hosts setup for mod_perl folks. What if
someone mess up the configuration file. If you want a central person
to change them, then you are limitting the developer.

The Linux-on-developers-box proposition also goes to include a
database instance for the developer to crash 50 times a day....

It is the ultimate object oriented programmer methodology...

Stuart Frew wrote:

Depending on the number of developers and how often they change, virtual hosts are good.

Set up a sub-domain for each developer, ie
Then they can configure there local setup to there hearts content, seperate CVS/document tree, also get separate logs.


On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 12:02, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
Philippe Chiasson had a really nice talk on setting up developer teams on 
mod_perl at ApacheCon 2001. Covers everything from CVS to deployment. You 
may want to see if you can get the slides from him ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if you 
are interested in the details.


At 07:43 AM 3/6/2002, Medi Montaseri wrote:
>Caller wirtes....
> > we've just migrated our 80K line pure perl web application to 
> mod_perl...ah...
> > so much aster... can anyone advise on their experiences for setting up
> > apache/mod_perl for team development? up till now, we've all been running
> > our own copy of sources out of our home directories, and running a 
> separate
> > apache instance for each developer seems like overkill
>Source Control or Revision Control will always be there, no matter if you 
>out of one box or many boxes. Further I don't see anything different about 
>vs C++. There are all source codes.
>My suggestion would be to install a Linux on your developer's PC and keep
>with the distributed model. Now everyone can use a common web tree and
>at integeration, bring all of them to a staging box, QC it and ship it to 
>Caller can also buy some content management software like Interwoven's 
>product that provides a virtual workarea, for about $300,000.  Its always 
>Make or Buy.
>Isn't it.
>clayton cottingham wrote:
>>thought someone might like to have a gander at this:
>>look forward to seeing your replies!!
>Medi Montaseri                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Unix Distributed Systems 
>Engineer            <HTTP://>HTTP://
>CyberShell Engineering

Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Open Web Technology Company
Medi Montaseri                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Distributed Systems Engineer            HTTP://
CyberShell Engineering

Stuart Frew
IT Manager
The New Zealand Revolution
DDI +64-9-918 7664
FAX+64-9-307 7032

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