Stuart Frew wrote:

Ideally you would have linux( or what ever) on every developers machine but sometimes you don't get the choice.

Oh "the choice" is easy....just come in on a weekend and install
linux on your box. Don't tell IT. That's all.


On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 13:40, Medi Montaseri wrote:

I  don't agree with virtual hosts setup for mod_perl folks. What if
someone mess up the configuration file. If you want a central person
to change them, then you are limitting the developer.

The Linux-on-developers-box proposition also goes to include a
database instance for the developer to crash 50 times a day....

It is the ultimate object oriented programmer methodology...

Stuart Frew wrote:


Depending on the number of developers and how often they change, virtual hosts are good.

Set up a sub-domain for each developer, ie
Then they can configure there local setup to there hearts content, seperate CVS/document tree, also get separate logs.


On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 12:02, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

Philippe Chiasson had a really nice talk on setting up developer teams on 
mod_perl at ApacheCon 2001. Covers everything from CVS to deployment. You 
may want to see if you can get the slides from him ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if you 
are interested in the details.


At 07:43 AM 3/6/2002, Medi Montaseri wrote:
>Caller wirtes....
> > we've just migrated our 80K line pure perl web application to 
> mod_perl...ah...
> > so much aster... can anyone advise on their experiences for setting up
> > apache/mod_perl for team development? up till now, we've all been running
> > our own copy of sources out of our home directories, and running a 
> separate
> > apache instance for each developer seems like overkill
>Source Control or Revision Control will always be there, no matter if you 
>out of one box or many boxes. Further I don't see anything different about 
>vs C++. There are all source codes.
>My suggestion would be to install a Linux on your developer's PC and keep
>with the distributed model. Now everyone can use a common web tree and
>at integeration, bring all of them to a staging box, QC it and ship it to 
>Caller can also buy some content management software like Interwoven's 
>product that provides a virtual workarea, for about $300,000.  Its always 
>Make or Buy.
>Isn't it.
>clayton cottingham wrote:
>>thought someone might like to have a gander at this:
>>look forward to seeing your replies!!
>Medi Montaseri                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Unix Distributed Systems 
>Engineer            <HTTP://>HTTP://
>CyberShell Engineering

Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Open Web Technology Company
Medi Montaseri                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Distributed Systems Engineer            HTTP://
CyberShell Engineering

Stuart Frew 
IT Manager 
The New Zealand Revolution
DDI +64-9-918 7664
FAX+64-9-307 7032
Medi Montaseri                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Distributed Systems Engineer            HTTP://
CyberShell Engineering

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