> Miroslav Madzarevic wrote:
> I have virthost1 and virthost2 on mod-perl apache, most of the time
> you get the right content when calling respective virthost but
> sometimes when you call virthost2 you get response from virt. host 1.
> This is a rare bug but happens.
Do you have this in your httpd.conf?

<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName www.virthost1.de
        ServerAlias *.virthost1.de
        ServerAlias virthost1.de
#       ...

<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName www.virthost2.de
        ServerAlias *.virthost2.de
        ServerAlias virthost2.de
#       ...

If ServerAlias for the virthost2 is missing and the user types the
server name without 'www', the pages will be served from the first
server apache finds.

I use it like above -  just as wearing braces and belt ;-))



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