Beta contains new code and www is old code. We were calling www but once a
while beta would pop in.  We noticed error messages that were giving whole
stack trace (caller) but those error messages were not present in www code,
they are implemented as a change in beta code. Right now we solved the problem
by moving beta to a totally different domain. We'll make a large test
eventually. Everything seems ok, double checked with a help from my business
partner, the paths are different, names are different etc.

Could you describe the actual nature of the error?  How can you tell
that the response you're getting is from the wrong virtual host and what
is different about the virtual hosts' setup that causes the difference
in responses?

Best regards,

Miroslav Madzarevic, Senior Perl Programmer
Mod Perl Development
Telephone: +381 64 1193 501
.=$a[$i]+$_;$i++}split//;@a=$o=~m!...!g;map{print chr}@a; __DATA__

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