OK, here's my attempt at SVGing the logo. Works in Adobe's SVG viewer
(Linux and Windows). I'll work on animating it next (making the cog spin).

<!-- Matt -->
<:->Get a smart net</:->
<svg width="382" height="85">
<title>mod_perl logo</title>
<desc>Michael Demers' mod_perl logo</desc>

<!-- mod_perl text -->
<g style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;
          font-size: 60pt;">
    <text x="80" y="65"
            style="fill: #999999">mod</text>
    <text x="235" y="65"
        style="font-weight: bold;
            fill: #326696">perl</text>

<!-- Square around cogs -->
<rect x="17" y="16" width="52" height="52" style="fill: black;"/>

<!-- Cogs clip path -->
<clipPath id="rectClip">
    <rect id="rect1" x="21" y="20" width="44" height="44" style="stroke: gray; fill: 

<!-- Cogs -->
<g id="cogs" style="clip-path: url(#rectClip);">
    <circle cx="69" cy="68" r="40" style="fill: white;"/>
    <circle cx="69" cy="68" r="15" style="fill: black;"/>
    <polyline id="cog1" style="stroke: white; stroke-linejoin: round; fill: white;"
        points="61 32, 63 22, 75 22, 77 32"/>
    <use xlink:href="#cog1" transform="rotate(-30, 69, 68)"/>
    <use xlink:href="#cog1" transform="rotate(-60, 69, 68)"/>
    <use xlink:href="#cog1" transform="rotate(-90, 69, 68)"/>



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