Hi there,

On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, John Kolvereid wrote:

> I got your name from the mod_perl mailing list,

Please post to the list, not to an individual member, unless you are
replying to a message from that member on the list - in which case you
should normally cc the list.  (You will find more help about this kind
of thing in http://perl.apache.org/email-etiquette and there are some
links in there to other documents you should also read... :)

> I am trying to install mod_perl-1.26 on Linux RedHat 6.2 w/
> Apache-1.3.22.  I am using the following build file:
>   perl Makefile.PL \
>   APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \
>   APACHE_SRC=/home/ssl/apache_1.3.22 \
>   DO_HTTPD=1 \
>   USE_APACI=1 \
>     I get a lot of messages,

That's normal.  You haven't said where you have put the mod_perl
source, can I assume that it is "/home/ssl/mod_perl-1.26"?

> then I run 'make', and 'make test'.
> Problem is that make test complains that it cannot find LWP.

It isn't absolutely necessary but it's a good idea to get 'make test'
to run successfully, which needs LWP.

> I downloaded and installed (I think) libwww-perl-5.64.

How did you do that?  It's probably easiest to use CPAN.pm:

perl -MCPAN -eshell

> Unfortunately, it didn't seem to resolve my LWP problem.  When I do
> a 'make install' nothing seems to change.

Hmmmm.  You aren't helping me very much there.  Are you following all
the instructions carefully?  What happens?

'make install' doesn't rely on LWP.  You probably need to be root to
'make install'.  Do you think you have successfully compiled a binary
after the 'make' step?  It will be called 'httpd'.  Check the date and
time of the binary to make sure it's the one you've built and not just
one that was lying around in there from an old installation.  Can you
run it with 'httpd -l' and post the result?


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