Wayne Pascoe wrote:
> The Wizkid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Opps, I forgot some stuff
>>Use this on the make command
>>  LIBS=" -L/opt/local/lib  -lssl -lcrypto " \
>>    INCLUDES=" -I/opt/local/include " \
>>    make
>>string I'm using is:
> A locate libssl shows it to be in /usr/local/openssl/lib
> libcrypto looks to be in /usr/local/lib. What should I set the LIBS
> line to in this case ? I've just tried " -L/usr/local/openssl/lib \
> -L/usr/local/lib -l libssl -lcrypto"
> with no luck.
>>env  SSL_BASE="/opt/local" \
>>    LIBS=" -L/opt/local/lib  -lssl -lcrypto " \
>>    INCLUDES=" -I/opt/local/include " \
>>    OPTIM="-O2" make
>>You need this if Perl and Apache is compiled with the bigfiles option.
> How can I find out if perl was configured with the bigfiles option? Is
> there anyway to see these if I don't have the original config files
> from the source directory ?

perl -V will tell you I believe.    I don't think mod_perl uses the ssl 
stuff.  The error is actually comming from mod_auth_db.so, according to 
your original message.  If you go into the conf file, and comment out 
this module, (line 231 of course) your http server Might start, with 
your mod_perl module. ALSO -- I'm kinda rusty on getting the modules and 
stuff compiled.  Someone else on this list might chime up and come up 
with lots of better answers.

> I've tried the above without the LARGEFILE stuff, but still no luck :(
> I'll try some more in the morning. 
> Thanks for that :)

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