At 01:23 25.03.2002, Issac Goldstand wrote:

>>You must have taken this subroutine out of context. There are a certain 
>>number of things which must appear for an Apache handler to work:
>>package Apache::Whatever;
>>You need to have that line to uniquely identify your module. If you use 
>>the name Apache::Whatever, your handler must be named and be 
>>placed in your @INC search path under Apache/
>>This is probably the reason for your number 2 problem: you must have used 
>>the same package name twice. Or not used a package name at all.
>Actually, this isn't true.. You don't *have* to use the Apache 
>namespace...  You can just as easily call it Foo::Bar if you'd like... I 
>don't mean to come across as being an extremist on this issue, but we were 
>all newbies once, and I know that as a newbie, *I* would take anything 
>written here as the "authorative" answer, so I didn't want anyone here to 
>be misled...

Yes, sorry, I didn't want to make it appear like you had to use the 
Apache:: namespace. In the Cookbook for example they use the Cookbook:: 
namespace, and you could just as well use Jeff::.

Per Einar Ellefsen

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