
You can run seperate environments if your coding doesn't reference any hard 
coded paths. I just setup a dev server at my new job and do exactly what 
you want. All you have to do is add a "use lib qw(/path/to/modules);" in 
your or make sure the PERL5LIB environment var is set. This can 
be done w/ "PerlSetVar /your/path/here" or setting it for the user apache 
is running as. HTH.


At 11:16 AM 3/26/02 -0800, Thomas K. Burkholder wrote:
>Hi there-
>Apologies if this gets sent twice - I sent a message yesterday, but it 
>seems to have vanished into the ether.
>I'd like to run the production server of my mod_perl project 
>( on the same machine as my development 
>server.  Clearly they have the same module names so I have to somehow run 
>them in two different environments - I don't think running them on two 
>different virtual servers is going to do it, right?  Doesn't apache just 
>start one perl "runtime"?  Please tell me if I'm mistaken about that.

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