
I am finally finding yes, there could be a reason for me to use this, I want
to avoid SOAP, partly because of the license crap(fear), but also because I
figure that XMLRPC will be easier to learn at first and likely will fit my
small needs. But as I look at examples and various tools that support
working with Perl they often are of a nature of a CGI and a standalone
client. My needs aren't that small :)  The only Apache modules I have found
are with the SOAP::Lite module. 

So what do the you people recommend? I have found several, Frontier::RPC,
there is a SOAP::Lite XML::RPC module, but it depends on SOAP::Lite which I
find confusing, there is just RPC::XML on CPAN. Most important though, I of
course want to run the server with mod_perl which is the only reason I
consider this post to be somewhat on topic, I really want to use mod_perl
with this and what group would be better to advise me on that :) 

What I want to be able to do is to expose some simple method calls, along
with some hash data to a Java client. Say like a parser object from
HTML::Parser. The client will be Java, but I get the idea that shouldn't
really matter. Sorry if my terminology is off, I am swimming a bit..



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