On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 12:58:08 -0400
Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Well, naturally the answer is "it depends."  Most database errors can't 
: be gracefully recovered from, so we would let them propagate up.  If it 
: was possible for a database error to be caused by user input (say, a 
: duplicate login name) that would need to be caught and handled.  It 
: would also be caught if any special cleanup of non-database resources 
: was needed.

Excellent message, thank you for sharing those experiences once again!

I remember the article has a comment regarding a gotcha of the Error
module that causes memory leaks, but you didn't go into details there. 
I took note of that and am using eval instead of the try/catch syntax
since I do not understand what the problem is and cannot program
avoiding it for sure... I would appreciate very much if you could give
further details (maybe a pointer somewhere) on what origines the leak
and which was your style writing try/catch blocks once aware of the

Thanks, and best regards from template Barcelona,

-- fxn

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