On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, Michael Schout wrote:

> Perrin Harkins wrote:
> >
> > We've actually discussed this on the list.  It has to do with closures.
> >  Matt gave a presentation about exception handling which covers it and
> > shows a workaround.  You can see it here:
> >
> > http://axkit.org/docs/presentations/tpc2001/
> Sorry to chime in a little late on this.
> But the "Exceptions" slides from the page above are either misleading,
> or I am misunderstainding just what exactly leaks in Error.

I didn't say "leaks" in my slides. That's what you're misunderstanding. It
merely creates a closure. This *can* lead to leaks, but doesn't always.

I guess at some point I aught to pick up Error::Filter again. Damn that
hard drive crash (which lost the source code I had for a source filter
version of Error.pm, which didn't create closures).

<!-- Matt -->
<:->Get a smart net</:->

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