Hi Randy,

Thanks for your reply. Please excuse my utter newbie status at all this. Ok,
looking at your message and the documentation for mod_perl as well as the LJ
documentation here's what I see.

BML is actually setup up as a perl module Apache::BML
its excuted in a file called modperl.pl  In httpd.conf there is a
PerlRequire c:/livejournal/cgi-bin/modperl.pl
but, as you can see if you try to get on my site
(www.thefreemachine.cc/index.bml) it doesn't excute. So whats missing that
would get httpd to call it when it receives a request for a .bml file. Is
there something I'm missing here (this is running on a windows machine), the
code seems fairly straightforward

PerlInitHandler +Apache::LiveJournal
DirectoryIndex index.html index.bml

# BML support:
PerlSetVar BMLDomain lj-$LJ::DOMAIN
PerlModule Apache::BML
  Apache::BML::load_config("lj-$LJ::DOMAIN", "$LJ::HOME/cgi-bin/bmlp.cfg");
<Files ~ "\\.bml\$">
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::BML

any help you could give would be greatfully appreciated.
Randy R

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