Hi All, 

If i use hte following configuration:


<Location /auto/thumbnails>
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler My::Thumbnails

Then in my handler sub in Thumbnails.pm do:

my $r = instance Apache::Reuest(shift);
print STDERR "PathInfo: "$r->path_info()."\n";

Then i go to the url:


In my error log i get

PathInfo: /thumbnails/images/a.gif

However: if i create an 'auto' directory in my document root (something
that was not there before)

i get:

PathInfo: /images/a.gif

(which i like :-) 

Is this is feature or a bug, does path_info not check the 'Location' it
matced the handler to or is it meant to look at the directory structure?



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