Barrie Slaymaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 07:25:48PM -0500, James G Smith wrote:
>>   XML::SAX::Machines 
>This is an XML SAX processing framework, nothing to do with state machines I'm
>afraid.  I do have another distribution (not on CPAN, let me know if you want a
>copy) in the StateML:: namespace that takes an XML definition for a state
>machine and uses it, via TT2, to generate any kind of source code (we use it
>for gnu and embedded C compilers here).  It also generates pretty diagrams
>using GraphViz.

My apologies.  The name `Machines' coupled with a configuration that
looked suspiciously like a list of states and edges must have tripped
by `state-machine-ometer' and caused me to add it to the list.  I was
basing most of my decisions on a cursory look at the documentation
(after all, there were 2200+ search results...) and not on any
in-depth use (except perhaps POE, which I've looked over a couple
times recently).

The StateML:: stuff does sound neat though :)  I'm wanting to
eventually put together a gui for creating web-based wizard-like
applications -- draw the circles and the lines, hang a few
requirements off the edges, and you almost have an app.  And with the
OO stuff, the apps can be sub-classed.
James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

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