On Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 09:08:54PM -0500, James G Smith wrote:
> My apologies.

np :).  It's fun to prattle on about my babies ;).

> The StateML:: stuff does sound neat though :)  I'm wanting to
> eventually put together a gui for creating web-based wizard-like
> applications -- draw the circles and the lines, hang a few
> requirements off the edges, and you almost have an app.  And with the
> OO stuff, the apps can be sub-classed.

I came *this* close to doing this sort of thing for the last webapp I
did, a survey tool, but the design put all the pages in a linear
sequence and I just couldn't bring myself to add StateML in to the mix

I have so many things I want to do with this: getting a dia-based editor
or an SVG based editor is a prime goal (I'm not wed to dia or SVG, but
the former I know a little bit about the source code of and the latter
is sexy and can be run-in-browser w/ a plugin).  Using it for Workflow
apps, etc. is also a possibility, but need clients needing these things,
I'm afraid.

- Barrie

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