On Sat, 2002-08-17 at 19:31, Jonathan Lonsdale wrote:
> I'm curious to know how people approach application development with
> mod_perl in situations where there could be dozens of distinct
> screens/interfaces. I'm currently using the HTML::Template system.
> Here's a few approaches I thought of:
> 1. Single monolithic content handler. Could be hard to maintain.
> 2. Distinct content handlers each with their own Location directive. Could
> be a pain to maintain the server config.
> 3. Take a small performance hit and use an Apache::Registry script for each
> screen to handle the content phase. Use 'PerlSetupEnv Off', $r and Apache::
> modules and don't bother being backwardly compatible with CGI.

There's a separate one that's used in OpenInteract: create a single
content handler that uses some sort of lookup table to map requests to
handlers. This lookup table can be maintained separately from the apache
configuration and can generally be more flexible, allowing for
application-level security settings, etc.


Chris Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Building enterprise-capable snack solutions since 1988.

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