>Jonathan Lonsdale wrote:
>> 2. Distinct content handlers each with their own Location directive.
>> be a pain to maintain the server config.

In my company we wanted an application which would make it easy to give
users shared access to data that changed occasionally. The initial
request was to move a weekly status reporting function from word
documents submitted as email attachments from users around the world.
These were manually compiled into another word doc. It didn't scale
well, people often forgot the submission deadline or garbled the word
template, and execs often wanted a mid-week snapshot, which was fairly
impractical, as was comparing sequentiol status reports for follow up or
action. We wanted a web interface, all data stored in a database, and a
limited number of widgets to maintain.

We created several handlers, each of which is for a particular "phase"
of the application: one hanlder provides a CGI input/edit form. another
handler an input verification screen, another for commiting changes to
the underlying database. There also are several handlers for viewing the
data in typical or interesting wasy: an audit handler shows all changes
made against a given table record, a calendar handler for displaying
date-based data on a month-at-a-time calendar view, a charting app, etc.
The underlying data tables get properly represented onscreen by meta
data stored in other tables in the database. The meta data provides
information such as column labels, default sort order, number of rows to
display on a page, which columns to show in the default view, how to
manipulate the raw data (eg, with a perl subroutine.) For related tables
we create a report derived (with perl subs) from columns of the
underlying data tables.

Now when IT receive a request for another web form, we CREATE the
required data table(s) in the database, run an admin script to populate
the meta data tables with reasonable defaults and the user can begin
entering data. This process takes several minutes once we have agreed
the data to be stored. We then modify the defaults as necessary; the
time required for this varies depending upon the way the user wants data
represented onscreen.

>You would typically have a single handler that covers one "application"

>with many screens, so instead of having an entry there for every
>template you would have a just a small number of entries for
>applications like a shopping cart or a message board.  The applications

>then manage which template to send out on each request using their own
>internal logic.  Things like CGI::Application and Apache::PageKit are a

>formalization of this approach.
>People often seem to get bent out of shape about putting a few Location

>directives in httpd.conf, but I find it simple to manage and like doing

>this the standard way.  Having Location directives lets you use all of
>the normal Apache config options for access control, customized
>etc. without inventing your own config system.  There are exceptional
>situations (a requirement to add new handlers without a restart, for
>example), but most people will be just fine doing it the old-fashioned

We started with <location> directives in the config file but this became
problematic as the number of tables got larger (>35) and occasionally
tables had to be be deleted (eg, because a short term project ended). To
reduce the administrative burden and the server restarts we created a
ChildInitHandler à la Apache::Dispatch which determines the proper
request handler to assign. Each URI includes the name of the desired
data table plus the proper application phase, and any other query string

We haven't seriously thought through the security implications of this
approach, however the server is behind a firewall and all Internet
access is via VPN.

We recently posted the distribution with a demo database to SourceForge
(<http://appwrap.sourceforge.net/>). The installation is make-based and
pretty straightforward. The module namespace (Apache::AppWrap) should
soon appear in CPAN.

Best regards,


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