Hey James --

> >One way to think about it is this:  MySQL stores its data in
> files.  There
> >are many layers of code between DBI and those files, each of which add
> >processing time.  Going directly to files is far less code, and
> less code is
> >most often faster code.
> MySQL also stores indices.  As soon as you start having to store data
> in files and maintain indices, you might as well start using a
> database.

You bring up a really important point: Scale.  If a custom file-based data
storage system starts growing in both size and functionality it will sooner
or latter reach a point where it is a far worse solution.

Relational databases are optimized for two things:  Ease of access and
management of large data sets.  If the data set is small and the functional
requirements are very narrow then a custom system can outperform a database
most of the time (not including poorly written systems!).  Once you have to
deal with large amounts of data, or you need to have an interface which
allows customizable retrieval of sub-sets of data (a la SQL), a database is
going to be the way to go.

The trick is knowing which path to choose.  Having an idea of the potential
growth of the system and use of the data, combined with a few well chosen
benchmarks come in handy here.




  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

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