On 21 Aug 2002 at 2:09, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

> Now using good old Fcntl to control access to simple "flat files".
> (Data serialized with pack("N*", ...); I don't think anything beats
> "pack" and "unpack" for serializing data).
> The expiration went into the data and purging the cache was a simple
> cronjob to find files older than a few minutes and deleting them.
> The performance?  I don't remember the exact figure, but it was at
> least several times faster than the BerkeleyDB system.  And *much*
> simpler.
> The morale of the story:  Flat files rock!  ;-)

If I'm using Apache::DBI so I have a persistent connection to MySQL, 
would it not be faster to simply use a table in MySQL?


"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go
                -- Philip K. Dick

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