Complete automatic conversion is not possible since someone could enter
HTML code that omits or contains certain attributes are either required
or not allowed in XHTML Transitional and the conversion program would
1. not know what value to add for required but omitted attributes, or
2. removing the "not allowed" attributes will seriously change the
rendering of the page.

Of course the simple mechanical rules -
1. all tag names in lower case
2. all tags closed
3. all attribute values quoted
4. proper tag nesting
could be automated and may be sufficient for your purposes.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan M. Hollin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 8:54 AM
Subject: [CGI] [OT] HTML to XHTML conversion

> [NOTICE: see the message footer for important information]
> I am trying to find a module that can convert HTML to XHTML, but have
> drawn a blank on CPAN and GOOGLE.  Is there anything out there to do
> this other than HTML TIDY?
> I am developing a mod_perl CMS application at the moment.  All its
> output is compliant with XHTML Transitional.  But its users can create
> content that isn't (and are likely to) and I'd like to parse this and
> convert it XHTML before it goes into the RDBMS if possible.
> If nothing exists along these lines - would anyone like to collaborate
> on the development of a module for this purpose?  HTML::XHTML anyone?
> --
> Jonathan M. Hollin
> Co-ordinator:  WYPUG (
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