Didn't mean to take this off list if I had. Heh.

> I'm using Perl 5.6
Unless someone with better knowledge pipes up, to the best of my knoweledge 
there are threading/concurrancy issues with mod_perl 2 and 5.6.1 ... I know 
that Randy has said in places that eventually the officiall recomdendation 
for Win32 Apache/mod_perl 2 will be 5.8 because it's theoretically more 
thread safe.

I've never used either 5.8 (Activestate hasn't moved to it yet) nor 
mod_perl 2 (isn't finished yet, and I have a hard enough time supporting 
mod_perl 1) so all of this is based off hersay and rumor.


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 1:21 PM
> Subject: Re: Filehandles
>> > Thanks for responding so quickly.
>> >
>> > flock does work under Windows 2000 and above.
>> >
>> > The load tester that I'm using works fine with my script outside of
>> > mod_perl.  My script works inside of mod_perl with only one
>> > concurrent user. When multiple concurrent users began hitting the
>> > script under mod_perl, using Apache::Registry or Apache::RunPerl all
>> > heck breaks loose.  It seems that the file locking breaks down. 
>> > Another thing that is totally bizarre is that stuff is being written
>> > to all kinds of files that I'm not writing to. Even my scripts
>> > themselves will sometimes have text appended to the end of them. 
>> > Another problem is that Apache will give me an error message saying
>> > that it is trying to write to memory that is locked.
>> >
>> Could this be a threading issue? Are you using 5.6.1 or 5.8 with
>> mod_perl 2? I know that mod_perl 2 is far from ready for primetime
>> especially under the threaded mpm's (which is what Win32 is forced to
>> use). I use XP to develop for a Linux mod_perl 1 architecture so I'm
>> raipdly getting out of my depth, but this sounds like the place to
>> look.
>> I've never heard of a Win32 specific mod_perl list ...  :(
>> -Chris


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