On Thu, 29 Aug 2002, Justin Luster wrote:

> The stress tool that I'm using is from Microsoft and is a free download.  It
> is called Web Application Stress.  There is a setting in this tool called
> Concurrent Connections (threads).  As I mentioned before I am able to do
> this no problem under regular CGI with 10 concurrent users but when I run
> mod_perl all heck breaks loose.

I've tried a simple registry script that uses flock() (on WinXP),
as well as one that just prints out the environment variables,
using apache-2.0.40 and a recent cvs mod_perl-2 build. Using
ApacheBench as
   ab -n ddd http://localhost/perl/script_name
(where 'ddd' is the number of requests to do), on my system, when
ddd exceeds about 1500 with perl-5.6.1, the tests hang, but
things are OK in this realm with perl-5.8. So this problem may
not have so much to do with flock(), but perhaps more to do with
threading under perl-5.6.1 on Win32.

If you're interested in comparing for your particular script, 
there's a perl-5.8/Apache/mod_perl binary, perl-5.8-win32-bin.tar.gz,
at ftp://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/pub/other/ - installation
instructions are in the associated .readme file. 

best regards,
randy kobes

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