>>I'm using Perl 5.6
> Unless someone with better knowledge pipes up, to the best of my knoweledge 
> there are threading/concurrancy issues with mod_perl 2 and 5.6.1 ... I know 
> that Randy has said in places that eventually the officiall recomdendation 
> for Win32 Apache/mod_perl 2 will be 5.8 because it's theoretically more 
> thread safe.

It's not threoretical, it's practical. There are thread-safety problems 
with perl interpreters in 5.6. It's possible that your code doesn't hit 
them, so 5.6 may work for you, but why taking the risk, use 5.8.0. 
expect mod_perl 2.0 *requiring* 5.8.0 for threaded mpms when it gets 

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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