Hi Alan,

I guess your mistake is to send the refresh header as http header.
You should use a meta tag in html or redirect in http.


On Tue, 1 Oct 2002, Alan wrote:

> Hi folks... I'm having a bit of a weird problem with Apache::Cookie and
> IE.
> I'm setting a cookie and then doing a redirect as follows:
> my $c = Apache::Cookie->new( $r,
>         -name => 'userdata',
>         -value => $cookie,
>         -expires => '1d',
>         -path => '/dealers'
>         );
> $r->content_type('text/html');
> $c->bake;
> $r->header_out("Refresh"=>"0;url=/dealers$request_uri");
> $r->no_cache(1);
> $r->send_http_header;
> $r->print( print_refresh_page_content() );
> (print_refresh_page_content() just returns a string of "authenticated")
> After the authenticated message is printed it should refresh back to the
> /dealers/ URL, except this time the handler will see there is a cookie
> and print out the real data, not a username/pass prompt.
> This works *perfectly* in mozilla linux, galeon, mozilla windows, and
> ie6 under windows XP.  It *doesn't* work on ie 6 under win98, winME, or
> ie 5.5 run through crossover office.  It displays the authenticated
> page, but then refreshes back to the login page.  No cookie is set, but
> debug when setting the cookie shows the following:
> Set-Cookie=userdata=[data]; path=/dealers; expires=1d at 
>/home/alan/code/rubberoven/mod_perl/Rubberoven/Dealer.pm line 139.
> Refresh=0;url=/dealers/ at /home/alan/code/rubberoven/mod_perl/Rubberoven/Dealer.pm 
>line 139.
> Pragma=no-cache at /home/alan/code/rubberoven/mod_perl/Rubberoven/Dealer.pm line 139.
> Cache-control=no-cache at /home/alan/code/rubberoven/mod_perl/Rubberoven/Dealer.pm 
>line 139.
> Connection=close at /home/alan/code/rubberoven/mod_perl/Rubberoven/Dealer.pm line 
> Content-Type=text/html at /home/alan/code/rubberoven/mod_perl/Rubberoven/Dealer.pm 
>line 139.
> Expires=Tue, 01 Oct 2002 18:30:31 GMT at 
>/home/alan/code/rubberoven/mod_perl/Rubberoven/Dealer.pm line 139.
> This is the same that is printed out when a working browser gets cookies
> set.
> I've played around with the security settings, and even at the lowest
> setting, with IE set to prompt for any cookies, it won't even
> acknowledge that I'm trying to set a cookie.
> Anyone have any ideas/solutions/thoughts?

Sven Geisler                                e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Developer                            tel:    (+49 30) 53 62 16 27

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