On Wednesday, October 2, 2002, at 09:48 PM, Dave Rolsky wrote:

> On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, william ross wrote:
>> I did have it set up that way at one point. it worked quite nicely as
>> long as I made the singleton in a subclass of the main Factory (which
>> might be shared by several applications with different 
>> configurations).
>> i gave up on it in the end because it seemed a bit overheated, but if
>> you approve, i shall reconsider.
> I'm not quite following you.  Overheated?

sorry. i just meant that it seemed like a lot of engineering - much of 
which was a little beyond me, though I've caught up a bit since - for 
what seemed like such a simple requirement.
but i've just been doing as you suggested, and it does work rather 
nicely. thanks.

>> so, rehearsing: all it should take is a Factory::Subclass->new(config
>> blah) in the startup script and a Factory::Subclass->instance() in the
>> handler? it does sound good if you put it like that.

(dimwit: both calls should be to instance(). oops)

>> incidentally I made the singleton like this (yes, more poop):
>> use base qw (Class::DBI::Factory Class::Singleton);
>> ...
>> sub _new_instance { shift->new(@_) }
>> but it felt rather naughty to subclass the private _new_instance. if
>> anyone knows a better way, I'd be very glad to hear it.
> Check out Class::Singleton.

er, that's what I said. guess it must be ok :)


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