At 11:30 AM -0700 10/1/02, Alan wrote:
>Hi folks... I'm having a bit of a weird problem with Apache::Cookie and
>I'm setting a cookie and then doing a redirect as follows:

This must come up once every few months.  I'd complain about that 
fact, but the irony is that just last week I couldn't figure out why 
a new site I was working on wasn't setting cookies in IE and....  I'd 
done the same thing I'd read about a dozen times.

IE doesn't reliably set cookies on a refresh.  I believe the only 
solution is to rearchitect the site.

Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

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