Two patches, one for t/net/ and one for src/modules/perl/Util.xs.
Apply them from the root of the untarred source.
cool, thanks.

you know, the test compares the results of Apache::Util::escape_html() to HTML::Entities::encode, both of which do not translate ' into &apos by default.

some of us on modperl-dev had a discussion with Doug recently about expanding Apache::Util::escape_html() to do things like HTML::Entities (such as high-bit characters) and it was decided it was a bad idea.


and doug's reply:

namely "i had a bad feeling about this. we should not be implementing escape_html to begin with, the functionality should all be in apache."

so... I could work this up and submit it, but I doubt that it would make it in to core, especially since it goes above and beyond HTML::Entities (the standard AFAICT).

if you really need single quotes escaped, you could always change calls to Apache::Util::escape_html() to HTML::Entities::encode_entities() and pass it your special escapes:

use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities);

my $bad = qq!some unescaped 'quotes'!;
my $good = encode_entities($bad, qq!'!);

print "$good\n";



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