Ken Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> I got through "./configure -> make -> make install" 
> successfully, installing to /usr/local/lib/ and 
> /usr/local/include/.  However, there doesn't seem to be a 
> "ldconfig" on my system ('locate' couldn't find one anywhere, 
> and I checked manually in /sbin/ and /usr/sbin/).

According to

OS X doesn't have/need an "ldconfig" binary (I'll update the web page).

Try running the script first.  It'll rebuild the libtool/
autoconf/automake utilities by using to your machine's version, 
instead of the ones I included in the tarball (which are based on
my linux box).  You might try running that first, and then doing 
the "./configure -> make -> make install" mojo before building 
the perl tests.

If you still have trouble, I think it'll help apreq-dev to see
the transcript of the full process, from "sh" through 
"make test".

Joe Schaefer

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