At 02:51 PM 12/18/02 -0500, Daniel Koch wrote:
>Check out Gimpy, which I believe is what Yahoo uses:

I'm thinking of something along those lines.  This problem is this is on
Solaris 2.6 w/o root, and I'll bet it would take some time to get The Gimp
and GTK and whatever libs installed.

So, I'm thinking about creating a directory of say 20 images of words.  On
the initial request the form creates a random key, and makes that a symlink
to one of the images selected at random.  That will be the img src link.

Then md5 the symlink with a secret word to create a hidden field.

The submitter will have to type in the word displayed in the image.

On submit md5 all the symlinks with the secret word until a match is found
-- match the submitted word text with the real image name, then unlink the
symlink and accept the request.

Cron can remove old symlinks.

If the spammers put in the work to figure out the word by check-summing the
images I can use imagemagic to modify the images -- that could be a nice
mod_perl handler.

See any glaring holes? 

Bill Moseley

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