The threads issue is my bag. I know better but was busy and distracted, hence I just did a reply to all and trimmed out the excess. Anyhow, I think you may have misunderstood my question. Although I have a specific issue at hand, my question was more generic. My questions are more related to the overall design of mod_perl and its effects on the functioning of Apache's other components. Anyhow, in answer to your question, I have not tried it under mod_perl 1 or 2 because this script would never function under them. It is that poorly written.

So, is there any link between mod_perl (1.99..) and mod_cgi (Apache 2)? Does mod_perl in anyway influence or maybe cause PerlRun like caching under mod_cgi? I realize the answers are probably no but I am at my wits end with this bug and am trying to elminate things as causes that normally I would not even think were related.
So you have a better handle on why I am asking, I have a script that runs fine from the cmd line under all parameter combinations, runs fine in most situations under CGI but when a few param combinations occur it fails to execute to completion. The odd thing is the place it hangs up is the line before exit;. I added a warn('foo at line nnn') after every line and it warns all they way to the line for exit; but never exists and apache tells me that the script times out. That combined with the fact that the script, when executed on the command line, under a faked up ENV that matches exactly what it gets from httpd runs flawlessly and to completion, seems to suggest something is happening in the in-process handling of the CGI script. Does that problem lie in mod_cgi, perl or in some funky interaction between components? With some of the symptoms I saw I wanted to rule out mod_perl before I went any further.
Thanks and I hope this made it more clear what I was looking for and why,

Stas Bekman wrote:

[When starting a new thread, please remember to create a new mail, rather than doing a reply to one of the threads. If you don't do that, your mail software attaches reference ids to the original thread and your post gets folded into the thread you've replied to. people may delete the whole thread without seeing your post if they weren't interested in this thread. it also has an ill effect on mail archives.]

Terra Info wrote:

I am debugging a particularly nasty issue right now on a perl script that when written 2+ yrs ago worked fine. NB: It does not run under mod_perl and it has not been modified since then.

You mean, it has never worked under mod_perl 1.0? Can you test it with mod_perl 1.0?

I run it from the cmd line (with the identical query string and all referenced %ENV vars set identical as well) and it runs fine. I run it as a typical CGI and it has problems that, in *some* ways, mirror the behavior of a poorly written (symptoms associated with unscoped globals, etc;) perl app under mod_perl. And since this is a poorly written app I am curious. Is there any link between mod_perl (1.99..) and mod_cgi (Apache 2)? Does mod_perl in anyway influence or maybe cause PerlRun like caching under mod_cgi? I am just trying to eliminate all possibilities as this one has been a real PITFA.

You can turn the debugging on and see whether it gets cached.
in ModPerl::RegistryCooker set:

use constant DEBUG => 4;

restart the server and watch error_log, compare the output of Registry with PerlRun.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Terra Novum Research
(617) 923-4132

PO Box 362
Watertown, MA 02471-0362

In time-keeping, in trading, in fighting, men counted numbers;
and finally, as the habit grew, only numbers counted.
      Lewis Mumford

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