On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Richard Clarke wrote:

> Hi,
>     I'm trying to figure out why my accesshandler is getting triggered twice
> for each request that I make. I'm 100% sure that I'm doing no explicit
> lookups/redirects anywhere in my code. The particular uri I am fetching
> should only invocate an accesshandler followed by a contenthandler.
> After watching the request with MOD_PERL_TRACE=h and MOD_PERL_TRACE=all I
> think I'm still non the wiser.
> Testing for $r->is_initial_req solves the "problem" but I'm more interested
> in finding out exactly why it's being called twice.
> Any tips for tracing this easier?

Nope, but FWIW I see the same behavior. I'm using mp2, but IIRC the same
thing used to happen on mp1 too.

I too would very much like to figure this out. I sort of suspect it is in
how the httpd.conf auth* directives are specified, but I've never had the
time to really muck around with them.

- nick


Nick Tonkin   {|8^)>

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