package AC::Centry::Access;
$AC::Centry::Access::VERSION = qw$Revision: 1.2 $[1];

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use AC::Centry::Tool();

# handler()
# Process requests to protected URI's
sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
    my $uri = $r->the_request;
    return OK unless $r->is_initial_req; # stops dbl execution
    $r->log->warn("Centry::Access triggered for $uri");
    my $group = int $r->dir_config('AccessGroup');
    # Create Config, Centry::Tool and verify_ticket
    my $centry_tool = AC::Centry::Tool->new($r);
    $r->log_reason("Bad Centry::Tool",$r->filename) unless $centry_tool;
    my ($result, $msg) = $centry_tool->verify_ticket($r,$group);

    # Return FORBIDDEN or short circuit with group
    unless ($result) {
        $r->log_reason($msg, $r->filename);
        $centry_tool->expire_cookie($r); # Expire cookie from browser
        unless ($group==0) {
            my $cookie = $centry_tool->make_return_address($r);
            $r->err_header_out('Set-Cookie' => $cookie->as_string);
            return FORBIDDEN;
    # Ticket is verified, Refresh ticket
    $r->log->warn("Reissuing ticket with ",join ':',@$msg);
    my $ticket = $centry_tool->make_ticket($r,@$msg);
    $r->err_header_out('Set-Cookie', $ticket->as_string);
    return OK;

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