Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

If the physical connection is still there, would the database server
do a rollback?

If earlier the rollback worked correctly with $dbh ||= connect();, this will work the same, since it performs the same operation, but rips off only parts of $dbh, because of the constraints of sharing Perl datastructures and underlying C structs.

Apache::DBI explicitly calls $dbh->rollback (when things are
configured so it makes sense).  Or maybe I am completely
misunderstanding you.

All I was saying is, that whatever worked for Apache::DBI will work for internal pooling.

ps. yes, your DBI::Pool work is great. Thank you. :-)

My pleasure. Thanks for the kind words. It's quite challenging, though you stop getting excited about segfaults and ddd (gdb frontend) is nowadays my best friend ;)

:-)  You are quite the masochist if you ever got excited about
segfaults.  I only recall segfaults making me slam my head into the
wall to conceal the pain.

I meant in the way that when something is repeated too many times it's not the same anymore ;) so s/excited/annoyed/ will do ;)

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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